Georgia law allows law enforcement to perform sobriety roadside checkpoints, but they must follow a strict set of guidelines when running a checkpoint. The rules and restrictions are as follows:
- The location of the checkpoint must be announced
- There must be a legal basis for the checkpoint
- Every vehicle must be stopped
- An officer must have probable cause to arrest you
- The checkpoint must be approved by a supervising officer (no rolling checkpoints)
If you are stopped at a checkpoint, you will be asked to provide your license and registration, name and address, and whether or not you have been drinking. You must provide your license and registration, name and address, but you do not have to answer any questions beyond that. While the officer reviews your documents, they will be looking for signs of impairment such as the smell of alcohol, open containers of alcohol, slurred speech, poor eye-hand coordination, admission of alcohol consumption and drug paraphernalia.
Aggressive DeKalb County DUI Defense Lawyer
If you are arrested and charged with DUI at a checkpoint, contact an expert DeKalb County DUI attorney immediately. Our legal team has defended countless individuals accused of DUI at a checkpoint and will bring our wealth of experience and knowledge to your case also. A full review of your case must be done in order to improve your chances of reaching a not guilty verdict. At our firm, you can be confident that you will receive the experienced and comprehensive guidance that you deserve as we help you fight for your deserved outcome. We will not be afraid to go the distance for you and will leave no stone unturned in our fight for your deserved rights.
Contact a DeKalb County DUI lawyer from the firm today to learn more about how we can help protect your rights.