There are several factors that can bring a DUI or traffic offense from a serious misdemeanor offense, to a life altering felony offense where substantial prison time is on the table. When a driver's recklessness and negligence cause the death of another, Stone Mountain prosecuting attorneys will charge the driver with vehicular homicide. Multiple DUI or traffic convictions make a driver a habitual offender and lead to felony treatment. In addition, drivers with other serious prior offenses can face very severe punishments. Child endangerment DUIs also get harsh treatment. So can DUI drivers who cause accidents in which people get hurt and property gets damaged.
Contacting a skilled Stone Mountain or DeKalb County DUI attorney right away is even more essential in these serious cases to begin mounting effective defense strategies early on. Attorney Richard Lawson only handles DUI cases and is up to date on all the relevant developments and winning legal strategies. In addition, Mr. Lawson is well versed in the science behind DUI and in the procedure Stone Mountain police officers are required to follow. If you are facing serious DUI charges, call Mr. Lawson's office today for a free consultation.
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